Welcome To XploreGEO

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hello I’m Paul Stryer from XploreGEO.com I hope this video has found you and your family well

I also hope you’re out traveling and exploring the world because that’s what we do here at XploreGeo

XploreGeo was founded based on some principles of three things the love of travel the love of exploration and the love of questing and because we took those three principles that we love to do ourselves we came up with the idea of Adventure questing.

What you’re going to do is you’re going to go to XploreGE0.com, you’re going to register to be one of our explorers and then you’re going to download the app on your iPhone or on your Android device.

Then you’re going to pick a quest and start traveling the world and depending on the quest that you pick is where you’re going to end up going but I’m sure you’re going to find some incredible locations that just are amazing for exploring and to find things that you didn’t dream of finding.

Once you find the location you check-in through the app and check in at the location and get points.

Once you check in you’re going to get challenges to do so in the app after you check in it’s going to say hey do a selfie with the Mount Rushmore if that was the location that you’re at and upload it.

Go out there today to XploreGEO.com that’s xplore with an X and download the app Start Plan the day

We hope to launch the app early 2023, but join our facebook group or mailing list today to stay informed of our launch date and happenings.

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