
How to Create a Travel Quest that is Both Fun and Educational


Here at XploreGEO, adventure fuels life and games make it fun. Getting out in the fresh air, discovering new places, having new experiences, figuring things out, getting our minds blown, competing, winning is what we do. We take travel and turn it into adventure by gamifying travel into quests.

XploreGEO is a Real-Time Travel Adventure Game, taking travel to the next level. So, before you grab your passport lets talk about what a quest is, and then how to make one.

Quest: /kwest/ noun: quest; plural noun: quests

  1. a long or arduous search for something.
    • King Author’s quest for the holy grail lasted for many years.

A travel quest is a fun and exciting way to combine the joys of travel with the thrill of an adventure. By creating a quest for yourself or your family, you can add a sense of purpose and challenge to your travels, and make your experiences more meaningful and rewarding. But how do you create a travel quest that’s both fun and educational?

 Here are some tips to get you started.

  • Choose a destination that’s rich in history and culture

One of the keys to creating a fun and educational travel quest is to choose a destination that’s rich in history and culture. This might be a city with a fascinating past, like Rome or Athens, or a region with a unique cultural heritage, like the Silk Road or the Caribbean. By choosing a destination that’s steeped in history and culture, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn and discover new things along the way.

  • Set specific goals for your quest

Once you’ve chosen your destination, the next step is to set specific goals for your quest. This might include visiting certain landmarks or museums, trying out local foods or activities, or learning about the history and culture of the region. The goals you set should be challenging but achievable, and should provide a sense of direction and purpose for your travels.

  • Research your destination and plan your itinerary

Before you embark on your quest, it’s important to do some research and plan your itinerary. This might involve reading books or websites about the history and culture of your destination, or talking to locals or other travelers to get their tips and recommendations. By planning your itinerary in advance, you’ll be able to make the most of your time and maximize your chances of achieving your quest goals.

  • Keep a journal or travel diary

As you travel, it’s a good idea to keep a journal or travel diary to document your experiences and track your progress. This can be a great way to reflect on what you’ve learned and experienced, and can provide a valuable record of your travels for future reference. You might even want to include photos, maps, or other mementos in your journal to help bring your experiences to life.

  • Be open to unexpected experiences and opportunities

One of the best things about travel is that it can be full of surprises and unexpected experiences. So as you embark on your quest, try to stay open to new opportunities and experiences that come your way. This might involve taking a detour to visit a lesser-known attraction, trying out a new activity, or striking up a conversation with a local. By being open to new experiences, you’ll be able to add even more depth and richness to your quest.

Overall, creating a travel quest that’s both fun and educational can be a great way to enhance your travel experiences and make them more meaningful and rewarding. I bet you are thinking to yourself at this point, WOW that seems like a lot of work to build a quest for my family and I to go on while we travel. Yes building a quest can be as small or as large as you want it to be, not all quest are equal. If you think about it if you make a list of places you want to see while at a certain location you have already started building a quest. But even so it can take a lot of research to build a quest worthy of a king.

There is an option, you could build one yourself, or you could download the XploreGEO app, register, and then go into the market place and look for quest in the area you are looking to go. Once you have found a quest you like just click join and pack your bags. That’s right the quest is made for you with many markers (locations) in a area where you wanted to travel to.

If you don’t see a quest in a area you want to go to in the XploreGEO marketplace the app will allow you to enter your own quest. You will still have to do the research to find the markers (locations) and to build the challenges, but once you have done the research you can create your own quest in the app and release to the market place for all Xplorers to play. So when you di get to your first marker hopefully other people are already playing your quest and you will compete against them.

The XploreGEO app takes all of the work out of building a quest if there is one already built where you want to go, and if there is not one you will be a hero because if you want to go to that area you can bet other people playing XploreGEO will want to play that quest also.

Join our Facebook group at https://bit.ly/xgeo-fb-group to stay on top of all the XploreGEO happening and to talk to like minded xplorers.

The app is due to launch in mid 2023 but stay tune in the Facebook group for the exact launch date. Once the app launces we will give you the links in the Facebook room of where to get the app at Apple or Google.

Now go out there and start planning your next trip and get ready to take your trip to the next level with XploreGEO

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