
Gamifying Conventions, Trade Shows and Festivals with ConQUEST by XploreGEO


ConQUEST by XploreGEO is an innovative platform designed to enhance engagement and interaction at various events, such as conventions, corporate events, team-building activities, and trade shows. By leveraging gamification, ConQUEST transforms traditional event experiences into dynamic and interactive adventures. Attendees are encouraged to explore the event space, interact with vendors, and participate in challenges, all while earning points and competing for prizes.

With ConQUEST, event organizers can create a customized scavenger hunt experience that directs attendees to specific vendor booths or event locations. Participants check in at each booth by scanning a QR code provided by the vendor’s sales team. This check-in process not only tracks engagement but also triggers tailored challenges that attendees must complete to earn points. The platform maintains a real-time leader board, fostering a competitive atmosphere and driving continuous participation throughout the event.

Check-In and Challenge Methods

ConQUEST offers a variety of check-in methods to keep attendees engaged and participating throughout the event:

  • QR Code Check-In at Vendor Booths: Attendees scan QR codes provided by vendors to check in, triggering challenges related to the vendor’s products or services.
  • Flash Mobs: At designated times, announcements are made for attendees to gather at specific locations. During these flash mob parties, QR codes are displayed on signs, allowing attendees to earn flash mob points.
  • Presentation Check-In: QR codes embedded in presenters’ slide decks allow attendees to check in during lectures or presentations, encouraging active participation.
  • Challenge Variety: ConQUEST offers various challenges including multiple-choice questions, photo challenges, video challenges, receipt challenges, and more, ensuring a diverse and engaging experience.

Key Features and Benefits of ConQUEST

  • Gamified Engagement: Transform mundane event attendance into an exciting scavenger hunt, encouraging active participation and exploration.
  • Vendor Interaction: Increase foot traffic to vendor booths as attendees seek out QR codes to check in and complete challenges.
  • Real-Time Leader board: Foster a competitive environment with a live leader board, motivating attendees to accumulate points and improve their rankings.
  • Custom Challenges: Tailor challenges to align with event goals, such as learning about products, participating in demos, or engaging in social media activities.
  • Enhanced Networking: Encourage attendees to interact with more vendors and fellow participants, promoting networking opportunities.
  • Increased Retention: Maintain attendee interest and presence throughout the event with continuous engagement activities.
  • Analytics and Insights: Gain valuable insights into attendee behavior and engagement patterns, helping to refine future event strategies.

Value Propositions for Specific Event Types

Conventions and Trade Shows

  • Boost Vendor Engagement: Drive traffic to vendor booths by integrating gamified check-ins and challenges.
  • Highlight Key Exhibitors: Ensure high visibility for important sponsors and exhibitors through targeted challenges.
  • Enhanced ROI for Vendors: Provide vendors with measurable engagement metrics and qualified leads.

Corporate Events and Team-Building Activities

  • Strengthen Team Dynamics: Encourage team collaboration through group challenges and collective goal-setting.
  • Promote Company Culture: Reinforce company values and objectives in a fun and interactive manner.
  • Reward Participation: Offer incentives for active participation, fostering a sense of achievement and camaraderie.

Conferences and Seminars

  • Interactive Learning: Create engaging educational experiences with challenges related to session content and speaker insights.
  • Networking Opportunities: Facilitate meaningful connections among attendees through collaborative challenges and check-ins.
  • Content Retention: Enhance retention of key information by integrating it into gamified activities.

By integrating ConQUEST by XploreGEO, event organizers can significantly enhance attendee engagement, create memorable experiences, and achieve their event objectives through innovative gamification strategies.

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