
7 Popular And Adventurous Bucket List Activities To Try In 2023


A bucket list is a list of things that a person wants to do or experience before they “kick the bucket” (die). It’s a way to make sure that you don’t miss out on any of the amazing experiences that life has to offer. There are countless things that people might want to add to their bucket list, from traveling to different parts of the world to trying out new hobbies and activities. In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at some of the most popular places and things that people go or do on their bucket lists.


  1. Travel to exotic locations

One of the most popular items on people’s bucket lists is traveling to exotic locations around the world. This might include visiting famous landmarks like the Great Wall of China or the Pyramids of Giza, or exploring the stunning natural beauty of places like the Amazon rainforest or the Great Barrier Reef. No matter where you go, traveling to exotic locations can be a life-changing experience that allows you to see the world in a whole new way.


  1. Skydiving and other extreme sports

For those who love a rush of adrenaline, skydiving and other extreme sports can be the perfect addition to a bucket list. Whether you’re jumping out of a plane for the first time or trying your hand at bungee jumping or base jumping, these activities can be both exciting and terrifying. Just make sure to do your research and follow all safety guidelines before trying any extreme sports.


  1. Go on a safari

Safaris are another popular bucket list item for many people. Whether you’re traveling to Africa to see lions, elephants, and other iconic animals in their natural habitat, or going on a safari in a different part of the world, this can be a truly unforgettable experience. Not only will you get to see some amazing wildlife up close, but you’ll also learn more about conservation and the importance of protecting these animals for future generations.


  1. Visit all seven continents

For the ultimate travel bucket list, some people aim to visit all seven continents. This is no small feat, as it requires traveling to some of the most remote and difficult-to-reach places on the planet. But for those who are up for the challenge, visiting all seven continents can be a truly rewarding experience. You’ll get to see a wide variety of cultures and landscapes, from the icy wilderness of Antarctica to the bustling cities of Europe and Asia.


  1. Try out new hobbies and activities

Bucket lists aren’t just about traveling to new places; they can also be about trying out new hobbies and activities. This might include learning a new language, taking up a musical instrument, or trying out a new sport. The possibilities are endless, and the key is to find something that you’re passionate about and that will challenge you in new ways.


  1. Meet new people and make new friends

Another popular item on people’s bucket lists is to meet new people and make new friends. This might involve joining a club or group that shares your interests, traveling to a new city or country, or simply striking up a conversation with a stranger. Meeting new people can be both exciting and intimidating, but it’s a great way to expand your horizons and learn from others.


  1. Volunteer and give back to the community

For many people, their bucket list includes items that are focused on giving back to their community and making the world a better place. This might involve volunteering at a local charity or non-profit organization, or taking part in a service trip to a different part of the world. Not only can volunteering be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also help you learn more about yourself and make a positive.


Want to take your Bucket List to the next level? After you have created your bucket list on paper go into the XploreGEO app and create an XploreGEO quest out of it. Once you have the new bucket list quest in XploreGEO share it with your family, friends, co-workers, social networks and challenge everyone to join your bucket list because competition is a great way to ensure you try as hard as you can to actually go achieve your bucket list.


You could also share your bucket list quest in the XploreGEO marketplace as a pay-to-play quest and share in the profits to help fund your own bucket list adventure.


So, grab a pad of paper, jump on the internet and start planning out the most awesome bucket list. Once you are open the XploreGEO app and create a quest out of your bucket list to share with everyone you know. Then there is only one thing left to do, pack your bags and get the heck out of dodge (start traveling).

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